The Oldest Enemy – Review

Book Description: David Lighthouse was once a hard-hitting investigative reporter for the Denver Post—back before he was accused of the brutal murder of his fiancée and his life unraveled. Now, six years later, he is the assistant pastor of a small church in Florida. Armed with faith, sobriety, and a resurrected sense of purpose, he’s putting together a new life.

But when one of his young parishioners is murdered, David’s old instincts reemerge. Once again the prime suspect, he fights to clear his name even as disturbing clues at the crime scene reveal a haunting connection not only to his fiancée’s unsolved murder but to his estranged father’s secret past.

David suddenly finds himself the target of sinister, supernatural forces as he tracks down a conspiracy to release an ancient evil upon an unsuspecting world. Along with his father, the murdered girl’s sister, and a fierce Auschwitz survivor, David faces hell itself to prove his innocence and stop a reclusive German billionaire from unleashing a worldwide holocaust.



I could not put this down. I was not all too eager to read and review this one. I mean it’s hard to find good fiction. A story that draws you in and leaves you hanging on every word. Wanting more. I love a book that is filled with anticipation.

The Oldest Enemy (that’s Satan if you don’t know) Webb is well versed in scripture, and the history and customs of that time. It is all very well woven together; again and again there are moments that are quite thought provoking.

It is clear, sometimes painful as you read, the evils of this world honestly spoken of within this book – unapologetically. Between the supernatural, political and Biblical elements it is truly a worthy read – on the edge of your set (I was anyway) to the end.

Well done I say!

Posted in Gratitude Challenge

Gratitude Challenge – Day 2

1 Peter 2:13-17 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.

Today I am so very grateful for freedom. I open my email this morning and find a ridiculous amount of “spam” all related to the coming election. I also see a lot of news articles talking about Hurricane Sandy. What damage was done. There is so much for me to be thankful for as I scan the news articles; the photos of those who lost so very much in the blink of an eye.

We take our freedom for granted too often. So many times we forget what it really means to be free. And as my son says quoting his pal Spiderman, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Have we forgotten? Have we become lazy in caring for that which we are so blessed to have?

America – there is no nation that is greater; no other nation that allows the freedoms…As the election time draws to a close; I pray that we will all be wise in casting our votes. I pray that we may be blessed with the wisdom and the strength to do what is right; to stand for what this country was founded on. If we wish to continue in our freedoms, there is no other way.

So Lord I ask you today to bless this land; watch over and move the hearts and minds of those who have forgotten how precious our freedom truly is – let them see and understand the importance of their vote and the beauty of His plan in all things. May we submit ourselves to you Lord; and rejoice in the day and the freedom we are so very blessed to have.