Disclaimer: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew

Do you feel like I do? That it is becoming so much more necessary for us to learn how to discern the truth from the lies? Critical thinking and logic has always been one of those things that I just love! That said I was so excited for my family to receive a copy of the book, The Fallacy Detective for review. This is over 200 pages, 38 lessons, on how to recognize bad reasoning as well as exactly what it is.

Written by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn, they enjoyed so many adventure stories read to him by his mother. These stories developed his imagination and stirred in him a passion for writing first discovered through the classic tale, Beowulf. I love how they say that with these books you are able to learn to solve thinking problems just like the way that a plumber fixes faucets!

Something even cooler – shortly after we got this book in the mail and started reading and discussing – we found a group of home educators that are going to be meeting to work through this and other materials – this fall! Talk about excellent timing. The idea of meeting new friends and exploring logic and reasoning together…It is so very exciting!

So how does this work? What is a Red Herring? Or an Ad Hominem or a Tu Quoque? This book does a fabulous job of introducing exactly what a fallacy is and why it is good for us to stretch and exercise our minds with logic training. We learn how to spot bad reasoning, to put a higher value on good reasoning and how to avoid fallacies in our own thinking because we all have them sometimes.

While this is recommended for ages 12 and up, my older daughter (10) did enjoy being a part of some of the lessons. As I mentioned, this is a favorite study for momma, so I made sure we did this as a family. As you work through the chapters in this book, you gain confidence in your ability to think reasonably; you begin to recognize the many errors that are all around you, both in your thinking and in that of the world we live in. Certainly this is a very necessary and timely study for the days we live in.

Our family would gather to read each chapter together and then complete the exercises also together. This book contains many concrete examples as well as fun exercises for a variety of levels of difficulty. The concepts are easy to understand, the skills are easy to learn. With this book– discover the logic already written in your mind by God. Starting with inquiring minds and moving through topics such as propaganda, assumptions, statistical fallacies this is an amazing workout for minds of all ages! Did I mention, there are some great comic strips strewn about throughout the lessons! Serious work, seriously fun!

At the end of each chapter are some exercises you can do together, or individually. Some of them, such as Find the Propaganda, it was fun to have the kids locate some examples (I mean, this stuff is everywhere right now) and then come back so we can share what we found and talk about it a bit.

One thing I really stress with my children, in learning anything, we need to have an Inquiring Mind. What does this mean exactly? It means exercising our mind; our mind is a muscle so it needs a good workout regularly. We need to be willing to consider things, to test all things. We are told in the Bible to come and reason together. There is nothing worse than engaging in a conversation with someone who already has their mind made up and believes they already “know.”

Perhaps it is most valuable for us to be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove, in that we are willing to learn and unlearn things as we think critically about them. There is far too much false information out there, we cannot allow ourselves to get stuck in unhealthy thoughts and false facts. This is a very valuable skills for everyone to have in their toolbox!

We are definitely going to continue reading and discussing and seeking out the bad reasoning in ourselves and in those people and things around us using this book. We will even be working through it a second time this fall with a local group so we should have some strong logic skills growing in this home!

Click on the banner below and read reviews from other members of the Review Crew for Fallacy Detective and also the additional book, Archer and Zowie.

Hans Bluedorn Brings us Fallacy Detective and Archer & Zowie

Fallacy Detective {Review}

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

I cannot believe. I am officially homeschooling a high schooler! I think I might hyperventilate. This is scary stuff! But then, I am told that it doesn’t have to be. That is can be fun and amazing – Who said that? The HomeScholar LLC – What a blessing to have the chance to explore and learn from her using her online course, High School Solution. I was given six months access to this one and I sure do appreciate that because there is so much great information in this!

This course has a singular purpose: “to help parents homeschool high school.” Lee Binz is bold, confident and at the same time gentle as she teaches us how possible it really is for us to homeschool high school. Again and again she reminds that we have no reason to fear; we just need to take things one step at a time. They have so many amazing materials to equip, train, and encourage us on this journey. It doesn’t matter if you are a veteran or new to homeschool, there are great resources for all styles of learning and budgets. Doesn’t this sound wonderful?

The first thing that comes to mind when I am trying to think of how to explain this course is WOW! From the very first video, I was hooked! This course includes videos, handouts, audio recordings, blog posts, and monthly webinars. She provides so many ways for you to get the most out of the information she is sharing! There are also monthly webinars you can sign up for (these are included for the first month, then for a monthly fee). She also provides materials specific to gifted and struggling learners. Also, she includes delight directed learning and guidance for how we can go from teachers to mentors. The goal really is for our kids to become independent learnings who are taking responsibility for their education.

I am so grateful that she has a video that helps explain how to use this course, where to go. There really is so much – I feel like I still have only scratched the surface. This is very thorough. I do not think that there is a need we have that is not covered within this course. I am not exaggerating when I say that she provides ALL the resources you need to create a rigorous curriculum for your kids! She even breaks this down by each subject area and every high school level.

Are our kids challenged or overwhelmed?

Lee Binz believes very much that every child should have a rigorous program so that they are prepared for college – whether or not they choose to go – She states that it is more about life preparation – students being ready and able should they change their minds (as we all tend to do).

For that reason she also provides numerous materials – video presentations, blog posts, handouts – also Essential E-books for the High School Journey (there are four in this section). Designing transcripts, grading courses – you will be ready.

Motivation. It is a big deal for so many. Our kids just aren’t motivated. I know this is a very difficult area for me personally. I was very grateful to find a Motivation Pack – some webinars to watch and some things to read. One of the webinars here is from Andrew Pudewa on the Art and Science of Motivation! If you are familiar with his name, you know that this he always has so much wisdom to share.

Another section speaks to taming technology; this one is full of great information as well. I am not completely through it yet but let’s just say, the six hour webinar Training Series with Experts in Technology and Internet Addiction (video, audio and handouts) is sure to be a real blessing!

Faith. This one is for the parents. Especially as our kids get older it can be a time of great shaking. As we work through this pack we grow the confidence we need to know that we can do this. Even with all the course requirements – all of those tests (PSAT, SAT) even college admissions – these things can really cause us to wonder if what we are doing will be enough. Lee Binz assures us that it is! As you listen and read you too will be certain that you can do this and it will be the best thing for your children.

From tools and templates to planning guides and record keeping, there is so much in this course that is definitely necessary for homeschooling our children and preparing them for life. As you go through this, you will learn all you need to know to make sure your kids are ready for whatever path they choose to walk. Grow in confidence and wisdom with The HomeScholar.

The HomeScholar LLC is on Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehomescholar
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thehomescholar
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/homescholar/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/homescholar/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/homescholar/

Make sure you click on the banner below to read what Crew Members thought of the materials they received such as: Total Transcript Solution, Comprehensive Record Solution, and College Launch Solution.

Homeschool High School to College with The HomeScholar

The HomeScholar {Review}

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

Is math a friend or a foe in your home? Here it’s a bit of both but thankfully with Math Essentials  we are becoming better acquainted, more friend and less foe. They have so many wonderful materials for just about every stage of math learning. This time around we were so blessed to receive three workbooks to use with our children! Addition, division, multiplication – Math Essentials Speed Wheel Drills! Whether we are just keeping up on what we know or working to master the things we need to know these are just great!

What’s a speed wheel drill? Picture a wheel: in the middle you find one number. Where each “spoke” of the wheel would be is another number. Solve each problem using the middle number and the outside number. Grab a timer and see how fast you can complete each wheel; when you are done be there is a place to mark the number correct and the time.

Each book includes 1,440 Speed Wheel Drills to help kids gain instant recall of math facts, making math so much more enjoyable as they proceed into higher math. These can be such a fun way to practice those math facts – kids can time themselves and see how fast they complete each wheel. It is also so fun to look back and see how they are advancing as they work through the pages.

We used the addition book with my youngest girl (6) who loves numbers and has been having so much fun completing wheels every day. Some days she only did one or two wheels but other days she just kept on rolling and I am not about to tell her to quit doing math when she is having so much fun!

My older girl (9) started working on the division book – she isn’t a big fan of workbooks but when you start a timer – she has quite a competitive spirit in her. As she completed one wheel she loved knowing how much time it took her and then trying to complete the other wheels in less time than the one before. Good motivation!

My younger son ((11) decided that he was going to tackle the multiplication book since he knows his tables, but he wants to know them better and answer faster. Sounds good to me! He also liked to see from wheel to wheel if he was improving. There is something about seeing your progress that really helps you to keep going.

As I mentioned previously, we have used quite a few materials from Math Essentials in the past and we have not been disappointed yet. These books have been super for all three of my kids as I have been seeing them recall their math facts more quickly – That means there are fewer struggles involved each day when momma says that it is time to get some math done. Who doesn’t like that?

Something else that I love about these workbooks: this one includes 21 Important “Math” Tips to make things easier. It is good for my kids to read through before they begin so they can see that mom isn’t the only one insisting on writing neatly and not using pen. I say this so many times – It is a terrible mess when mistakes are made and you cannot erase – Makes things so much more difficult. A few tips are inspiring: find a study buddy or teach someone else some math. Great ideas for developing in math.

Don’t take my word for it though; click on the banner below and see what other members of the Crew thought as they used these books with their families.

Math Essentials Speed Drills {Review}

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

There are many reasons that our kids struggle to read and if you are anything like I am, the idea of a child not learning to love reading, is just heartbreaking. Aside from the fact that reading is such an adventure, it is also the key to so much in life! With a new reader, a struggling reader and just so older reluctant readers around here, we were happy to have a go at Dyslexia Gold.  Don’t too caught up on the name, this is not just for students with dyslexia. This is an online program designed to assist ages 4-16 struggling with reading. Whatever the reason, this is one of those materials that will help your reader to grow in their ability and confidence in so many ways.

For this review we received a 12-month online subscription to the Homeschool option, which gives you a Family License so that multiple students can use the many resources that are a part of this program. Included in this program are the following:

  • Dyslexia Screener
  • Vision Training
  • Reading- Reading Unlocked and Fluency Builder
  • Spelling Tutor
  • Times Table Tutor

As you can see there are quite a few tools within this program that (dyslexia or no) can be truly beneficial to any learner!

My youngest just turned six – while I have no concerns regarding her ability, she truly is enjoying exploring them all! We focused mostly on Reading Unlocked and Fluency Builder because this early reader loves learning to read and I am eager to do whatever I can to help her develop her more!

Each of these programs takes about 10 minutes to play, and they really are fun! Based on neuroscience research, this program goes beyond simply learning to reading and works to resolve whatever issues may be getting in the way of our children embracing their day, so that they can learn and enjoy.

Some of the activities involve 3D so there are also 3D glasses provided to play those games designed to help with visual focus. We received two pairs of these and my girls just love style and the colors.

Engaging Eyes includes a few different things: Target Practice, Eye Tracking, Speed Fix, and Whack an Alien; these activities are to be done for 10 minutes each day. In Target Practice there are three levels: A, B and C. Just put on your 3D glasses, and begin shooting using the spacebar and arrow keys. Eye Tracking has two levels. On one you keep your eyes on the dots until they show a letter, then hit the spacebar and begin again. This is how your eyes are being trained in reading line upon line. The second level gets more complicated as you are now looking not just for a letter but also words and pressing on specific words with specific letters in certain places (sounds pretty intense right?). I will say, for my oldest daughter (9) the faster these go the more anxious she can get a bit anxious – feeling pressure is not her friend – yet my boys love a challenge. Turn on a timer and go! Funny how different our kids can be.

Fluency Builder contains 50 lessons which focus on a specific phonics sound; this is designed to strengthen our awareness of hearing the sounds while reading basic words (an image is included). This includes a few activities within each lesson to practice hearing and clicking on the word that is said. Another one, sort the words into short or long “a” or “e” or “ai” as you hear them said.  In another exercise, there are four images to choose from based upon the word that is given. Then listen as they speak a word and spell it out using letter blocks provided. The next activity has you pop all of the “ee’s” quick as you can (letter or combination of letters changes with each lesson). After a few more exercises of locating words and then reading them along with the program, we then are challenged to turn one word into another, again using letter blocks. Following this would be a passage to read (short, simple yet also challenging poems and prose my girl loves to read!). It is so encouraging hearing my girl read these all by herself.

We have not started this one yet but we plan to soon! Spelling Tutor requires a paper and pencil (or letter tiles from an old scrabble game maybe). This is a personalized program that determines the words based upon mistakes our children make within the lessons. This is also one of those that can be fun to “play” for if you have a rather reluctant or struggling speller. My girls do both enjoy spelling games so this one will be a huge hit I am sure.

With the Times Tables Tutor (based off of Singapore Math) each student is tested on their knowledge of the times tables up to 12×12. The program uses repetition to strengthen their math mastery using three stages: concrete, pictorial and abstract. With a variety of exercises within, their tables are tested sometimes using pictures to help them visualize the problem and solution. Having a very visual learner, I can attest to what a great help that is!

I am eager to see as we complete more of this program how they all grow because honestly we have not been on this as much as I would like. So many distractions with the start of our business. Managing schedules has been a challenge. But I do recognize the uniqueness of this program – there just aren’t many that work on focus (visual and auditory) the way this one does. This is a wonderful way to get a stronger foundation in place so that as we go deeper and higher, we have the skills we need to be successful.

We definitely appreciate this program and will be using it much more!  I encourage you to consider this if you have a struggling or reluctant learner. Of course if there are some special learner needs, do not miss this one! Perhaps it can help them to enjoy learning and expand their abilities as it has my own. Don’t take my word for it though, click on the banner below and read what other member of the Crew thought and how they used this program in their homes. 🙂 

Dyslexia Gold on Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DyslexiaGold

Dyslexia Gold {Review}

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

I first learned of Danika Cooley through her Bible Road Trip curriculum. With a number of kids who love crafts we found so many materials that really engaged my children in their learning of the Word of God. Isn’t that a blessing? Since we have enjoyed so much of her work in the past I was beyond excited to receive a copy of her newest book, Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible, published by Bethany House Publishers. There is no better time for us set their hearts and minds, as well as our own, on our mighty God.

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might

As a home educating momma, I attest to how much time are care is put into our day to day studies. What activities do we engage in and how much; what books and materials will we choose to spend our time in? What is the end goal for our children? How can I tell we are where we ought to be, that we aren’t “behind” or “lacking” in anything? These things can feel like pretty heavy burdens when we let them take over but what if we remembered what Jesus taught”

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…”

I do not mean to imply that we should throw away our textbooks and do nothing but study the Bible – Rather, what if we focused on that which is most important of all? When we have Jesus at the center of it all; when our children see their need and Jesus place, in all things – Surely goodness will be found in the many other things we do. Surely we can all agree that eternity is worth it.

It can be overwhelming and scary leading our children; studying and praying our children but it doesn’t have to be this way. Danika is committed to helping families lead their children to life, eternal, for the glory of the Lord. They believe strongly in study and memorization of the Word (as long term Bible quizzers we absolutely see the value ourselves.) A homeschool momma herself, she is a inspiration in intentionally and gently leading our children in the way they should go and hiding the treasure that is God’s Word within their hearts.

Of course for this to be effective, we have to truly believe and obey what we read. We must know that God’s Word will not return void – it will accomplish all that the Lord wills. So much of this begins with taking up our own rod and leading in the way. I think of Lois and Eunice in the Bible who were the grandmother and the mother of Timothy; what beautiful are examples of the powerful influence we can have on a youth’s life. We too can be so faithful!

For many years we have taken part in Bible quizzing and I am so grateful for how that has helped us to develop how we approach the Word of God. My children have been able to see and know for themselves: who God is, why baptism is necessary, the value of modesty and holiness – I remember being told that my kids were too young to understand the Bible – I still have so many children’s story books that were given me – I also remember my younger son’s shock when he saw so many stories missing from his children’s Bible. Even at his young, tender age, he knew he needed the WHOLE Bible. Not just parts of it. 🙂

Thinking Starts with a Question Mark?

We love good questions around here. As you read, as you establish truth there are so many wonderful ways you can discuss and go deeper still. But it all begins with reading and praying. The Bible tells us that God reveals His truths to those who seek after it. Seeking requires action. For our younger ones it can be as simple as singing worship songs and drawing a picture, for older ones they can write and memorize scriptures; as they grow in ability perhaps we can engage them in word studies to help them see more powerful connections geographically, culturally. God’s Word always has more for us when we are willing, eager to be taught.

In these days, it can feel like “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Today is the day, to pray for our children, to prepare them to say, “Here I am Lord, send me.” We want for our children to grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. We need materials like this to help us, so that we will not grow weary in well doing but will trust that we will reap a harvest if we faint not. Encourage yourself (and your whole family) in the Lord as you share those rivers of living water.

Baker Publishing/Bethany House & Danika Cooley on Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BHPnonfiction
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethany_house
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethany_house_nonfiction/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/bethanyhouse
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/bethanyhouse

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanikaCooleyAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanikaCooley
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danikacooleyauthor
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/danikacooley/_created/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DanikaCooley

Be sure to read reviews other members of the Crew shared in regards to their thoughts about this book by clicking the banner below:

Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible {Review}

Disclaimer: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

We have all heard about the great benefits that come from fermented foods. There has been so much growing interest and accesability to learning about the many reasons and ways to ferment various foods and beverages for your health. We delved into this ourselves after our youngest girl experienced some digestive issues resulting from some food sensitivities. Little did we know when we started how fun this could be! Having received the Starter Fermentation Kit from Fermentools I was certain that we had everything we needed to become pro’s at this in no time at all. While I am not currently a “foodie”per se, I would really like to be and things like this make it so much more possible!

The Starter Fermentation Kit Includes:

  • Stainless Steel Lid – corrosionresistant which they say will last a lifetime.
  • Glass Fermentation Weight to fit inside a standard widemouthed Mason jar
  • Air Lock
  • Rubber Stopper
  • Rubber Canning Gasket
  • Himalayan Powdered Salt which has over 80 trace minerals; ground fine enough to mix easily
  • Instruction Guide and Basic Sauerkraut recipe (so delicious!)

I love our house, I really do. However, when I start thinking of canning and fermenting and preserving I always think of my grandmothers cellar when I was a child – the walls were lied with shelves. Always full of pickled beets and sauerkraut, red cabbage – all sorts of goodies! Then I get to wishing we had space like that. Unfortunately, we just do not have the space to make and store things so we tend to just make what we need for the time.

While the kitchen is not my favorite place to be, I am on a mission to understand more of the healing benefits of food and turn my kitchen into a place full of delicious goodness! I am even in the process of taking a homeopathy class!

Since we are a huge fan of pickles, we made a bunch of those right away. My father in law used to make them – best I ever tasted – since he passed away a few years ago my younger son has taken up the torch and enjoys making some sweet for his sisters and some tangy for the rest of us. I always find that this is one of those things that we can all enjoy making together so even my littlest one got to try her hand at pickling. Did she ever love it!

We are also big fans of sourdough – another great opportunity! Lot of great benefits for easy digestion. Since it is a prebiotic the fiber in the bread also feeds “good” bacteria which can help maintain a healthy digestive system. With my younger one so sensitive we have learned that the longer prep time for sourdough really makes a difference for her.

This little lady made these.

One really neat thing I have learned recently is the benefit to fermenting fruits. We love berries of all kinds but sometimes we just cannot eat them fast enough. Learning about beverages and the ease with which they can be made: kombucha, kvass, kefirs – We definitely plan to do lots more experimenting with this sort of thing in the near future.

As I look over all of the amazing recipes on their website and even others I find in other spots I realize how much we really could use more space. I could do this stuff all day long if there was a place for me to store it all! I love the benefits both preventative and healing that come from this form of food.

The more I read the more I see so many amazing benefits to our health! Not sure where to begin? One of my favorite articles (on their website) is Ten Delicious Foods That Help Digestion. Why not start your journey by fermenting through this list? I even found a review on their site for a book on cheesemaking! I love cheese. How fun would that be?

Do not take my word for it; read how fun and easy other members of the Review Crew found the Starter Kit to be by clicking on the banner below!

Fermentools {Review}

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

My younger son loves science! He recently completed a course in Earth Science and when asked what he would like to study next, he chose chemistry. Since I am a lover of science but definitely not one who feels qualified to teach it. I think the biggest perk to home education is getting to learn right alongside my kids! So you may be asking, what are we doing for chemistry? Well let me tell you; for this study we are using Greg Landry’s Homeschool Scientist, Young Scientist Chemistry, a one semester self paced course. This is recommended for grades 4-7 and we have 12 months of access to this course so we can go as quick or as slow as we need to.

This course contains thirteen classes as well as a basic intro to help you get the hang of the Canvas platform being used. This is also a perfect time to download the study guide for the course. It really helps to encourage our children right away in what really matters and his goal is to teach our kids to think deeply, critically, Biblically, creatively. Summed up: ” Work hard, persevere, have fun!”

Something I have noticed with my kids when it comes to their learning, they stink at note taking. For whatever reason, they just don’t want to or see the point in doing this, so it was fabulous to see that the very first class talks about: notetaking, studying and test taking. These are definitely two areas that we have been trying to focus on a bit more because these things do matter.

Each class is between 20-30 minutes in length; at times we did watch the video in smaller bites so it wasn’t too overwhelming – or if he seemed to be a bit antsy, giving him a chance to do what he has got to do so he can come back and focus in on the lesson. By the way, each lesson begins with a prayer. Love it!

My son would love details on all those items on that shelf. Look so cool!

Typically following the video my son would go over the study guide – there are worksheets and activities that correspond to each lesson. He isn’t a big fan of filling in paperwork if I can be totally honest – he does what needs to be done though – some days I would give him a break and we would just go over things verbally. My son really enjoys when we do lessons together and this was no different.

My younger son is very inquisitive by nature; he is quite the thinker and he appreciates being able to clearly understand the reasons behind things. One of his favorite lessons has been those regarding the Periodic Table. Better understanding the elements, matter, even the historical elements that are told of within the lectures. So many moments within these videos piqued my son’s curiosity regarding so many other things (travel, communication long ago). At the mention of battles between scientists he became quite curious. Here’s hoping he goes down that rabbit trail a bit more although I think those battles are not the ones he thinks they are.

My son loves the straightforward, well organized, no frills lectures given in this course. He also appreciated that he could (if he wanted to) contact the instructor to ask questions via email. This is one of those things I am really hoping he chooses to do since he tends to take his time ruminating on information and will later come up with lots of great questions that I cannot answer. 🙂

Since this is a self-paced course and it is summertime, I try not to pus my son too much – yet this is one of those times I do so appreciate how we are able to slowly go through this course – repeat videos as much as we feel the need (or desire) to do so.

This really is an amazing thorough and very sound course for a young scientist. I love how he repeatedly reminds kids to think critically – of course as he teaches there are also many reminds that all of science points us to our amazing Creator God. Again, something that we truly appreciate in a science course. While my son is ultimately the one completing this course, I have to say, I am learnings o much myself as I watch with him. I do not have fond memories of Chemistry 101 myself but this is a wonderful way to develop a real understanding of it myself.

We are still completing this course of course; we will likely do a great deal more with the study guides as well. My son may not appreciate the idea of writing reports and taking notes but he does acknowledge the benefits after having gone through the very first lesson in this course so – We are definitely making progress. Slow and steady. Perhaps once this one is completed we can explore other courses from Greg Landry too. Lots to choose from. 🙂

Click on the banner below to read reviews from Crew Members who have been exploring various courses from:  Virtual, interactive homeschool laboratorySelf-paced 4th-7th grade one-semester classes, and the Self-paced 7th-12th grade half-semester classes

Online College Prep Science Classes with Greg Landry

Homeschool Science Lab @ Greg Landry {Review}

I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

I have four children ranging in age from 6-15 and every one of them loves art! This can be a real blessing but at times it can also be quite challenging. Since they are all in different stages and places when it comes to art. But I was excited to be given the chance to work through the Art History Program from Creating a MasterpieceAs lovers of history and lovers of art, this seemed like one that would certainly please us all.

With this program there are three types of projects divided up into three levels:

  • The first type teaches styles of art in history. Here students learn how to create fine art that looks just like famous art from ressionism Period: The Zebra; Realism Period: The Eye.
  • The second type is historically themed. These are fun additions such as a Chinese Period: Chinese Woman, or Spanish Rule: Spanish Flowers.
  • The third type is a Capstone Project. These are designed to teach students how to recreate historic masterpieces. It is taught at a masterpiece level.

Sharon Hofer leads every class with the goal of helping every student at any age to grow creatively, further their artistic abilities, and gain confident in their completed projects. Every project includes step-by-step instructions using online videos. Technique is taught gently, as it is the foundation for the creation of every work of art.

Each project includes it’s own supply list so before you get started you can know everything you need. There is also a link to purchase supplies if you are so inclined to do so. We just visit our local craft store but it is a nice option to have it all right there.

There are multiple videos for each project; what that means (this is such a great thing) is that projects are broken down into small, simple steps so that the younger and the older can try their hands at every one of these.

My younger girls are not as intimidated to take on some of these complex looking activities because – small bites! In fact, they are encouraged to stop and take a break. Glorious!

With over 25 projects to choose from in this course, there is something that will definitely pique the interest of every one of your kids. My oldest son loves the variety of media he can explore: Faux Metal Working, Faux Stained Glass, Mosaic, Ink, Oil Painting, Pencil/Charcoal, Printmaking, Colored Marker and more.

Explore Creating a Masterpiece on Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/createamasterpiece

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyDU-6301Pwj_1Dez9YkumQ

Don’t take my word for it though. Click on the banner below and see how other members of the Crew enjoyed this with their families.

Creating a Masterpiece {Review}

I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

What do you do with multiple kids who have varying levels of ability and interest in math? For our family, the answer is CTCMath. This is a complete online K-12 math curriculum. This is a super easy program to use, friendly even to the younger ones, just watch the video lessons, answer a few practice questions and complete tests as you work your way through. I find it refreshing also that this program does not align with Common Core. For this review we received a 12-month subscription with accounts for every one of our children.

CTCMath offers a variety of membership options and homeschool families are given 1/2 off the price of monthly or yearly membership for single user or family. That is a HUGE plus for us! Whatever your need may be, I am sure they have something that will fit well.

This is yet another material we are using that is Australian based – my girls just love the accents so much! Some days they try to mimic it – Why not? If it helps them engage in math studies. 🙂

One thing my son really likes is that there are pdf’s you can print out. As he goes into more advanced math, he really likes to have a reference to go back to, especially when he is struggling to really get a specific concept. Having the option to do this is wonderful!

At the Parent dashboard you are able to assign tasks although we did not use this. My younger son is currently working through various lessons; skipping the things he feels mastery in, via diagnostic tests. This is one of those parts that my kids really like. Not having to complete lessons for topics they feel good about. At the same time, when they are struggling, they are able to complete the lesson and as many problems as they need to, so that they feel ready to move forward. It is encouraging to my children that they can move through math in this way. I appreciate being able to see them take control of their learning like this!

My older girl is learning and mastering her multiplication tables with this program. That is quite a feat and she is so pleased! her first choice each day when it is time to work is CTCMath. Finally, something that doesn’t require a struggle. Since she wants to be a veterinarian one day, she is very aware of the value of knowing math well.

Beyond the regular lessons, she enjoys playing on the Speed Skills and Times Tables. A fun way to practice what is being learned. I think some days she could play these all day long. My son prefers Swap Pieces, a puzzle in which you must move all the blue pieces to the blue squares and all the red pieces to the red squares. It sounds simple but this can really bobble the mind!

The weekly revision section is a wonderful way to encourage my kids to continue forward, practicing what they know, brushing up on anything that they may have forgotten. There are even printable worksheets for those days when you do not want to, or cannot perhaps, work on the computer. I like being able to print these out – since we tend to be going all over, quite often, maybe I don’t feel as guilty as I did before, not being home to do all this “work.”

My children have developed so much since we began using CTCMath and I am thrilled to see them grow as we continue using this program. We plan to move into Pre-Algebra while we still have this; my son is eager to get there while he has a program that he says, “knows how to teach kids sensibly.” My girls are just having so much fun – it’s such a joy to see them learning and not being so stressed out about those difficult things – somehow the simplicity of this program makes it all so much easier.

CTCMath is on Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ctcmath
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ctcmathofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ctcmath
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/ctcmath/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWn5e6974bpIEAe46VnovZw

Read more reviews of CTCMath from other members of the Crew by clicking on the banner below.

CTCMath {Review}

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

One of our favorite ways to learn history is using hands on methods, those things that really bring it all to life! In case you do not know, Home School in the Woods is fabulous for just that. We have enjoyed so many of their materials; this time around we were exploring the Activity-Pak: The Old Testament from Home School in the Woods. These materials are full of timelines, maps, lap booking materials and so much more, all to help our kids experience history for themselves!

The Old Testament Activity Pak includes 15 activities that include tasty recipes, creative writing, even a study of the Book of Proverbs. This is recommended for students in grades 3 – 8. We used this with our three younger kids who range in age from 6 to 11 and I have to tell you, there was plenty for each of them to explore.

For those who are unfamiliar, maybe even overwhelmed with the idea of lapbooking, have no fear, Home School in the Woods, is here. They make it all so simple with step by step instructions and lots of visual guides along the way! The Activity-Pak is available as a PDF download so just click and print as you go.  Just make sure you have file folders and lots of glue and printer ink (I slowed our progress when our ink ran out…) Always good to take stock of your materials right away 🙂

Take a peek inside these awesome, fun filled Activity Paks:

How can anyone not get excited for these sort of materials?

Starting out in the Book of Genesis with Creation, we explored Hebrew history and the division of the Kingdom. We explored the lives of those men and women written about, as examples for us and also enjoyed this handy timeline to help us keep all the names and dates straight. Who built the Ark? Who were those men who were thrown into the fiery furnace? Such a fun way to dig into the Word of God with our kids, learning and growing in our wisdom and understanding.

My girls say their favorite part of this was baking unleavened bread with olive topping (we love olives!) the fruit & Nut Salad was also lots of fun to make – My girls just love creating things in the kitchen and I am all for how good these recipes are for us! This even inspired us to pick up a couple cookbooks related to various other Biblical eats. Since we have been delving more in Sabbath and Feasts, this has been such a fun and inspiring walk through the Old Testament for us all.

We have not yet jumped into the Proverbs section of this but that is only because we are already working on a study there – as soon as we complete that we will definitely be doing this! Lots of copywork and memorization which is great for hiding that Word in these hearts.

As our kids grow and mature I do believe that materials like this are vital to their understanding of the world around them and the history that is a part of it all. Often I am reminded that when we do not know our history, we are doomed to repeat it. Understanding what and who came before can be such a powerful lesson for us all!

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This is just one of the many fabulous materials offered to our Crew for review; make sure you click on the banner below to read about other materials enjoyed!

Hands On History with Homeschool in the Woods

Home School in the Woods {Review}