Give Them Grace ~ Chapters 5-6 {Book Discussion}

Okay, I am a bit behind in this 3 month discussion of  Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson in the Family Discipleship Facebook group. If you missed the discussion of the foreword, intro, and chapter one, you can find that here, and chapters two through four here. I’d love to hear your thoughts—here and on Facebook. Below is the schedule we’re following in the group.

We'll be discussing Give Them Grace May-July 2015. Here's the schedule!

In Chapter Five discipleship is broken down for us into five separate categories: Management, Nurturing, Correction, Training and Promises. I love charts myself; I need those visual reminders (I admit it) if I am going to stick with something! So the fact that they have charts in this book which direct us to the scriptures relating to a given incident s well as examples and references for each area of discipleship – Its so very helpful to me!  And there are questions too in case at times you struggle with which category of discipleship, exactly, you are dealing with in your circumstance.



Honestly, this is all so new to me, and yet so exciting for me! But I feel such a strong desire to follow this more and more in my home.  And the timing, some things really are of God, this I do believe is one of them. When I seek after, and ask Him to guide me, in a better way, for my children, He provides. All that I have read thus far, it reminds me of His love and training with each and every one of us.


One of my absolute favorite quotes thus far is:


Paul’s command to “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” means this: that parents are to think about and remember Jesus Christ and then train their children to understand how everything in their life—their joys and sorrows, their trials and labors, their doubts, sin and shame—is to be understood in the light of Jesus Christ, who descended from David rather than from Levi, died, and rose from the dead. That is the best news any child could hear. Distinctly Christian parenting must be accomplished in the environment of the good news about Jesus Christ or it is not Christian parenting. It may work for a while, it may make your life manageable, and God may use it, but it is not “of the Lord.” (Give Them Grace, page 93-94)


Our children need to know and understand the Gospel for themselves. We need to bring them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of their journey, their experience, with the one true living God!


It reminds me of something I heard this morning that said: Worship involves all of our life… 

Worship is more than just a moment. Its more than this thing we do for a couple minutes before service or a few words uttered about how great and mighty God is. We worship Him in all that we do and say, every moment of our day.  We worship Him when, in difficult times, we seek Him and love Him.  We worship Him when someone wrongs us and we pray for them and love them anyway. We worship Him when we show our children the grace and mercy and love He pours out on us every day. Because we too are sinners. We too need to endure to the end to be saved.

This chapter is such a powerful reminder that love covers all sins. And that without love, we are nothing but noise….

Chapter Six is another very meaty and rich chapter. There were tough questions asked of us, such as: “Is this sin or weakness and immaturity?”  We need to realize how simple our teaching can really be.  It is broken down into four steps:

1) Teach your kids to respect authority

2) Teach them the gospel

3) Trust God to work in your children

4) Confess your own sins

These are very valuable, powerful methods. So simple I am a bit embarrassed I did not see these things before now. But I thank Jesus for this book which helps me to see these things today. Because today is a blessing ~ As is His wisdom and grace. ❤

“We are not telling you to ignore bad behavior; nor are we saying that sinful behavior should not be corrected. We are saying that we should teach our children that sinful behavior does not alter their relationship with us. If our parenting is modeled on the gospel, then their sin, hardness, and unbelief will grieve us, we will seek to discipline and correct it, we will pray for them about it, and we will continue to love and welcome them in spite of it. But we will not demand a show of repentance before we welcome them back into relationship.” (Give Them Grace, page 105)



Ouch! I don’t know about you but I admit I am guilty of focusing on rules more often than not. With a new baby and a to-do list a mile long…I tend to forget that there are more important things than having a perfectly tended yard or garden. I look past the sad or hurting child to what we have to do right now. *sigh*  This was such a revealing chapter for me. SO much truth that I needed to read. And as I read I was reminded again and again of how important God says it is for us to have that right relationship. With Him, with our husband, with our children. It matters so much more than we know. Our children need to know that no matter what, we still love them. They need to hear, in their times of trials, that they are loved. When we are struggling, we need them to see us, show love and repentance too.


I really appreciated this chapter’s constant emphasis on the need for gospel-motivated instruction and how it differs from so many other approaches out there that we use. We need to bring about heart change. It does not matter what we do, or how we do it, if ultimately we do not have a “first love”.  Our children need that relationship, just as desperately as we do, that they may know Him and love Him.  It starts with love.


New Family Discipleship Facebook Community



Leave a comment with your thoughts or feel free to join discussion at Family Discipleship Community!  It’s not too late 🙂

Let’s Get Loopy

I am the type who needs to get things done.


I absolutely love schedules, routines, and time management (agendas and calendars and such) but the problem is, I prioritize getting things done over relationship building. Since I feel such a powerful drive to get things done, it tends to take over our homeschool and,  as you can surely imagine, this is not good.

Enter in looping.  Ever hear of it before? Me either.


Until I came across Sarah of Amongst Lovely Things. She has a great post on it and she also mentions it in her fabulous book, Teaching from Rest. Then I got this email, inviting me to a QuickStart Guide to Looping.  I had to know more….



The basic idea of looping is that you have specific hours for homeschooling, and no matter how many subjects were done the day before, each day begins with the next subject in the loop. It’s so simple, it’s brilliant! This totally allows homeschoolers to really enjoy all those things (music, art, latin/greek, creative writing, geography, lap booking) without rushing through each thing, or not having time for certain studies. Maybe you don’t have that problem, but I sure do  😛



The general concept of looping in a nutshell is this: rather than assigning daily tasks through the week, you instead list tasks and then attend to them in order, regardless of what the day is.  If there is a task you would like to see done more frequently, just write it more often on your list. I plan on having math and handwriting repeated on mine as well as grammar. Ideally I hope to see two chunks  being done each day, perhaps writing and math on one day and geography and Latin on the other. (just as an example) On those days when there are appointments or classes outside the home or field trips, we simply do what we can and just pick up where we left off on the list the following day.


You can do this with any tasks that need to be done on a regular basis too 🙂



As I imagine our looping will work (I am still getting it together – this is my rough draft):


We Shall Loop:

Language Arts Loop


I would include spelling and vocabulary in this loop but really, these are such a big part of reading and writing….I consider them done along with those tasks.


I also plan to loop our daily time reading aloud. Of course we read in the Bible each day; we also do daily devotions in the morning time. I expect that we will also incorporate our language studies (German, Latin and Chinese) into this loop.  I highly encourage with our foreign language studies time reading, writing and speaking (sometimes listening even).  I think it gives that experience of immersion and can make such a difference in how one progresses when it comes to this.


I would also like to slowly incorporate things like: picture study, composer study, arts and crafts instruction, poetry , and piano/guitar for a bit more variety.  Since my son takes guitar lessons too I think this could help with his progress musically too.


So again, to loop your homeschool take anything you would typically schedule on a certain day of the week (from nature studies, to science, to grammar and geography) and put them into a loop instead. Less stress; we don’t forget about that math work; mapping the states gets done as do all those other little things.



Loop the  Housework:

I do not like to clean (who does right?)  Since thats the case and since I have read and heard looping can be done for anything that needs to be done regularly, I want to give this a try for myself.


For me, making my bed, tidying the kitchen (approximately 3,000 times), wiping down the guest bathroom, doing laundry, and preparing meals are all done daily. I mop the kitchen floor on Saturday evening (for some reason having a sticky floor puts a damper on my Sunday mood, so that one stays where it is.) Those do not go on my loop.

I plan to put these tasks on my loop:
Clean the bathroom
Dust & vacuum
Water plants
Tidy Kitchen
Clean a bathroom
Mop Floors


Honestly, most of the time my kids do the vacuuming and mopping.  I encourage my oldest to help clean the bathroom and they are required to tidy their room twice a week, at least.

Its so important to me to have a clean and orderly house, yet with four children, one being a brand new sweet, snuggly, nursing baby, I need to manage my time. In this season everything doesn’t have to be spic and span but it must at least be clean-enough to be tolerable for our current crazy season of life.I recently had the idea to start looping meal plans. I don’t know what that would look like, exactly, so if you want to help me brainstorm in the comments, we could have some fun there.



Why I Need a Co-Op

This may seem like an odd thing to any who really know me. 🙂 Being that I often speak to my love of being at home, and my rather introverted nature, why on earth would I decide I need a co-op?


The general definition of a cooperative homeschool group – aka co-op – is to “cooperate” with one or more families thus sharing any part of the educational process.   A co-op can be a simple group of two families meeting regularly to share their home journey on any particular topic or as structured as a school district public program or charter group (think Classical Conversations).  Co-ops can have an academic focus or a social, spiritual one – even a combination of all of these!

Since we started homeschooling almost 5 years ago we have been in and out of various groups ourselves. I admit, I tend to dread these encounters. So many moms and children – I love the variety of ages and activities. All the sweet families we have met but we have never truly felt at home, a part of any of these groups. i do not fault any of them for it. I do believe that finding a group that is “family” in the homeschool community is a hard thing.  It does not just happen and I think often we can be a part of many different groups and still not find that.


So when I was approached by a couple lovely ladies from our church about starting a group I was quite ecstatic. Especially since I have been praying for someone  to do this very thing since we came to our church almost 4 years ago. Yet now here I am being approached to do just that. And since this request was first made, even more ladies have come to me seeking a group for their children too. How exciting! And nerve-wracking (for me) 🙂



I decided to do it. This year, I decided to start my own informal co-op this fall. So far there will be lots of little ones so we definitely need to make plans for preschool fun! Of course there will also be a variety of older youth involved too.  Just a handful of us for now but I do believe the Lord will send them if we are faithful and true to Him in what we do.


So what does this have to do with why I need a co-op?




I have to admit, I cannot do this alone. It gets tiring. Especially as my children get older.  It is too easy to burnout when we are isolated from others in this thing. It doesn’t have to be often, maybe once a week (we can determine that based on everyone’s interest) but that time just needs to be there, If we are tired, struggling, or even excited about something – it’s a blessing to others and to us to be able to share!






And how about that dreaded “socialization”?  We are always being asked about it right? How do our kids socialize when we homeschool them? I cannot keep telling people (sarcastically) that they don’t … I know, without any doubt, that we are all equipped by God to teach our children. Yet I admit, I fail at math, I do not speak Spanish and I certainly cannot dissect a frog…. That said it’s a great benefit when we can come together to share our specific talents with one another.  It’s great for our children to see too, how we all come together and share our talents.  Add to that, the opportunity for them to share their skills with one another, and practice other things.  My oldest son loves to give short presentations and story tell yet is fearful of being in front of a group, playing games is great for social skills and often so much more, doing crafts or projects is more fun in a group, playing soccer or football, or just being present and helping cook or clean or play with the littler ones (my oldest reads to his little sisters), this is a beautiful way to encourage them, and be sure that they are gaining positive social skills and experiences.


Then there are all the great discounts and classes we can partake in, when we have a group 🙂 Events at the zoo, local art classes, cooking classes, even craft materials and books.  We can work together, pool our resources and have a great time doing so. Less pressure on everyone when we are not all responsible for every detail. How fun is it too to be able to bake cookies or thrown parties for the holidays together – There are so many holidays, so many ways that we can learn in a fun and engaging way. And it’s always better when its done together.



Accountability….Who doesn’t love the flexibility of homeschooling? I do for sure! But I also admit that meeting regularly with other homeschooling families can help me to stay focused and on course. To have others that I know are learning with us, are exploring with us, this gives us something to look forward to.  It keeps us on task.  No excuses anymore because it’s not just about us and we can’t just do it later.


As for us moms we always have lots of crazy and fun  ideas to share; we have a variety of interests and connections and sharing all of this can certainly be a huge help to each other in this journey that we call homeschool!


Ecc. 4:9-12:  Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.  For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up…..And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

What IS the Hope?

It saddens me when I post something, meant to inform, and a firestorm of anger breaks out. People begin fighting; words are thrown around sarcastically and the meaning and purpose of the posting itself is lost.  My post this morning was about living for God; being aware of what His word says so that we are not deceived. And yet one line within that video caused a friend, to become angry and tell me I am speaking “the devils words” to her….. We need to be humble, we need to be teachable. Always. If I am in the church for 2 months or 20 years, I pray I will always remember His calling ad keep that hope in me. How important it is TODAY or us to be aware of His Word, and to live it and speak it BOLDLY.


I hope this timely reminder inspires you, and sets a fire within your soul, to live in a greater way today, than you did yesterday ❤


Oswald Chambers writes:
“…that you may know what is the hope of His calling… —Ephesians 1:18
Remember that you have been saved so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in your body (see 2 Corinthians 4:10). Direct the total energy of your powers so that you may achieve everything your election as a child of God provides; rise every time to whatever occasion may come your way.

You did not do anything to achieve your salvation, but you must do something to exhibit it. You must “workout your own salvation” which God has worked in you already (Philippians 2:12). Are your speech, your thinking, and your emotions evidence that you are working it “out”? If you are still the same miserable, grouchy person, set on having your own way, then it is a lie to say that God has saved and sanctified you.

God is the Master Designer, and He allows adversities into your life to see if you can jump over them properly— “By my God I can leap over a wall” (Psalm 18:29). God will never shield you from the requirements of being His son or daughter. First Peter 4:12 says, “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you….” Rise to the occasion— do what the trial demands of you. It does not matter how much it hurts as long as it gives God the opportunity to manifest the life of Jesus in your body.

May God not find complaints in us anymore, but spiritual vitality— a readiness to face anything He brings our way. The only proper goal of life is that we manifest the Son of God; and when this occurs, all of our dictating of our demands to God disappears. Our Lord never dictated demands to His Father, and neither are we to make demands on God. We are here to submit to His will so that He may work through us what He wants. Once we realize this, He will make us broken bread and poured-out wine with which to feed and nourish others.”


What Grade? Why?

My son was asked recently while we were out why he wasn’t in school.  Of course, he explained that he is homeschooled.  That got a *gasp* but another, greater one came, after he was asked what grade he was in. And my son looked at me…Confused, curious….and said, unsurely, “fifth I think?”

This response scares most of our family and friends, very few support our decision to homeschool, and truth be told, for quite some time it really bothered me as well. I mean, we have to have something to go on right?


And then it hit me – This is what we have been taught to expect; children learn and perform at specific tasks and skills at certain ages, it’s how we know thy are in the “right place”  and its how things have always been.  We never question it because for as long as we remember, this is how its been done.


But if we dig further into the real history of education, how wrong we are!  Those old textbooks from the days of the one-room schoolhouse confirm that children were not in “classes,” but in levels. When a child grasped all that was expected at each level of their education, they moved up to the next level. If they were not showing themselves to have a strong grasp of the topics they were given more time to gain a greater understanding of each subject.


If I didn’t learn from college, that children’s development and learning styles and abilities vary from child-to-child, I surely would have figured it out shortly after having my kids.   Children are unique; each one different than the other in how they see things, their perspective and processing of information.  My oldest cannot hold still; he has to touch and move and feel and experience it all.  My younger son is a builder and a fixer; he likes to sit and study how things work, putting it together and taking it apart.  And my daughter?  She loves to read and color, she listens; she is all about pretend play too.


How could all of these children learn in the same way? Gather the same information and skills and understanding of the same things, all at the very same age?  It seems preposterous to me!


And this is why, as homeschoolers, we have so much liberty; we can be free of all of this.  We can let go shake off those chins that bind us and really experience what it means to live and learn. This is how, our kids discover a love of learning and how we see joy in their discoveries.  This is how they find their passions and truly spread their wings (cheesy but true kay?).


SO how do we do this when all our life we have had it drilled into our heads the other way?


First things first:


  • forget the grade level expectations that we are told and taught ~ forget about em !
  • relax and spend some quality time studying each of your children to discover their learning style; their talents and skills and strengths and weaknesses
  • Set goals/pillars based on each child’s ability and life in general and as a child of God, as one gifted with a unique purpose from the Lord
  • we use McGuffey readers, lots of living books, non-fiction books and materials that are not defined by age or experience – encyclopedias, woodworking magazines, How Stuff Works, etc (Khan Academy is great for this kind of learning too!)
  • how about unit studies? what a great way to focus on one specific book or topic while learning across the board, from language arts, science, math and character/virtue building. consider lap booking even; thesis such a fun way to learn and create, in a way that is more personal for each child.
  • take a break and learn how to Teach from a State of Rest; he says often that: ” In order to educate a child well, we must teach from a state of rest.”  


Do we really think that we need, or that there is, a perfect curriculum for our children? How do we not see how impossible, and improbable, it is for one thing to fit all our children? And if we are homeschooling in faith why do we think that God needs us to have that anyway ? If we are doing this for the right reasons, for His glory, for our children to learn His Word and His way, lets be honest….If we are in prayer, in the Word, seeking His will for our children and our family He WILL bless that. In whatever state its in.  🙂



As we begin to wind down for the year (we homeschool year round but summer certainly is a time that is different in how we are learning) I have to remind myself that what the charts say does not matter. Who are they to determine at what age my child should be able to do these things? I need to remind myself as I plan, as I seek other ways to encourage learning in my children, that His will needs to be tantamount to all that we do.  After all, we chose to homeschool for so many reasons, this being one of the many, and if we are going to be faithful in what I feel my family has been charged with, I need to have faith in this journey both the highs and lows, remembering that every one of those, is a chance for us to grow.





Motivate Your Child Action Plan Giveaway — win an iPod Touch, $50 iTunes GC and #HeartParenting Books!

A few months ago, NCBP released an amazing  parenting book, Motivate Y our Child and they are now publishing a guide to use along with the book called Motivate Your Child Action Plan. This book can stand alone, but is an excellent companion to Motivate Your Child.  Trust me. When it comes to motivating my child (mostly my oldest son) I have a plethora of tools I have tried; none that have been as full of hope, and the Word, as this.  I count my blessings since having learned of the National Center for Biblical Parenting (NCBP) andam a huge fan of their parenting book, The Christian Parenting Handbook, as well.   There are so many gems that you can enjoy, from NCBP such as: their very encouraging and inspiring podcast episodes, blog, and books such as:

Each one of these books and every podcast I have heard, has been full of precious biblical advice and instruction to aid us in this task before us of training up our children for Him ❤


Motivate Your Child Action Plan Giveaway


To celebrate the release of Motivate Your Child Action Plan, we are joining other members of the Launch Team in a wonderful giveaway filled with an iPod Touch, $50 iTunes Gift Card and several biblical parenting products! A value of nearly $350!

Here’s what you could win:

Apple iPod touch 16GB Black/Silver  ($195 value)

  • In the Box – iPod Touch, Apple EarPods, Lightning to USB cable, QuickStart guide
  • Brilliant 4 Retina display with Multi-Touch IPS technology
  • Front-Facing FaceTime camera with 1.2MP photos & 720p HD video recording.
  • iOS 6 features – Siri, Apple Designed Maps, Integrated Facebook, Shared Photo Streams, Passbook & more

iTunes Gift Card ($50 value)

Because you’ll need apps and music for that iPod Touch!

The Christian Parenting Handbook and Companion Guide ($56.95 value)

The Christian Parenting Handbook contains nuggets of parenting wisdom condensed into 50 short chapters, each one biblical, practical, and relevant for parents of children ages 2-18. Learn appropriate ways to correct, instruct, and set limits. Glean wisdom for dealing with emotions, conflict, and developing closeness in your family… and much more. These 50 strategies provide you with hands-on tools for parenting children of any age.

The Companion Guide is a workbook of 50 lessons along with 50 audio tips to take you through The Christian Parenting Handbook step by step. Each lesson contains advice from Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller in a 5 minute audio tip and then offers teaching, an assignment, a Bible verse, and a prayer to help you apply each idea or strategy in your family. The tips are available to you as MP3 downloads and access to them comes in the workbook.

Family Time Activities Book Bundle ($45 value)

Your kids will have fun learning about God’s Word and how it applies to their lives. Science experiments, art activities, and games are all designed to reinforce spiritual truth. Each lesson is clear and simple, yet profound even for parents! You’ll teach kids how exciting it is to learn about God and his ways. Your kids will love these books, but more importantly you’ll build spiritual memories of Family Time in your home. Titles in this giveaway include:

Seeing Is Believing 

Playing for Keeps 

Running the Race

Enter the Giveaway using the Rafflecopter below! This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY to those 18 years of age or older. Void where prohibited by law.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Join us for the Action Plan Facebook Party on Wednesday, May 20 at 9:00PM ET. There will be even more prizes and giveaways there and the authors of Action Plan will be present to answer your questions! The winner of this giveaway will be announced at the Facebook party!

RSVP here for the Party!

Action Plan Facebook Party

Going to Boot Camp!

If you know me you know how much I LOVE to camp. Not really. Actually I am terrible when it comes to the great outdoors. I love nature; spending time enjoying God’s creation. Relaxing in the shade maybe with a good book ~ I have three children, one more on the way. My oldest one a very rambunctious, loud, constantly, driving us all nuts kind of boy.  So needless to say when I heard of the Boys Bootcamp, and had the opportunity to attend this one, I was SO excited!

I want to do more than just survive my boys. And I don’t know where you are at in your journey, what struggles you my face, but I do know that I do not understand my boys. Especially my oldest (who is 9).  He cannot focus. He is too focused. He is here and there and everywhere. It’s the very first reason we chose to homeschool him so long ago. It’s a challenge teaching a boy like him; I know I am not alone but I admit to feeling very alone. A lot. I don’t want to seem ungrateful or have a spirit that is grumbling and complaining but how do you teach him when he just cannot hold still? When math is on the table and he cannot stop doodling or bouncing or racing back and forth in the house?

And just the other day someone smiles sweetly at me and says, “You just wait ’til they’re teenagers if you think it’s hard now.”  I admit my heart sunk just a bit. 

But  refuse to believe that it has to be this way forever. One day we WILL have fond memories of our time together. And maybe I will look back and laugh a bit over my oldest son, who runs relays through the store when we go out; who has to be loud and in your face, all the time, arguing (he calls it debating) and just being all around out of control.

I mean, with my younger two, I can easily do a trip to the store.  My daughter (3) and my son (5) walk the aisles with me, helping me find things, asking questions and just chatting up a storm. They love to sing worship songs as we are out too 🙂 It’s pleasant and wonderful time spent with these two little ones. But not with my oldest son. With him it is always an emotional roller coaster; I struggle to just try to keep him within social boundaries and by the end of the trip, I am a wreck and he is a mess. But there is a heart in there; one that is so full of joy and love but just doesn’t know how to get in sync.  How to control himself and all of these emotions and ideas bouncing about in his head, a bright young man who has lots of energy and little, to no, ability to manage himself.


Impulsive ~ No off switch on this one.

His impulses would take over.  I know he is a big hearted, good natured kid but how hard it is to remind myself of this when he is constantly pushing everyone’s buttons. And at what point does his inability to control himself become no longer a bi-product of his age? At what point does this not have to do with maturity?



I ask myself and my husband, “Does life have to be more difficult with him forever? Is sullen, moody, rebelliousness just a part of growing up? Do we just have to ride this out and survive these years?”


It simply cannot be. There is more for us, I just know there is a better way!


And so I am packing my bags (haha) and getting ready to head off to Boot Camp 9-12 to:


Get in Shape! Shape up your relationship with your son now before the real challenges hit.

Get Armed! Learn about serious dangers your son will face and develop the weapons to deal with them.

Get a Strategy! Learn how to put together a plan for high school and get it done.

Get Moving!  Start now to prepare your son to pass through the minefields to godly manhood.


Some of the topics that will be discussed are:

Brains Turned to Mush

Temptation Everywhere

Dating and Courtship (not there yet….honestly dreading this one too!)

Homeschooling High School

Jobs & Entrepreneurship

Doing Real Things in the Real World

Becoming Young Adults, not Sullen Teens

Loving these years! (how desperately we need to love these years!)  ❤


The next session will be held April 27, 28, 29 and May 4 and 5.  I for one plan to be delivering our daughter at some point this week. But when you sign up, if you are unable to make any of the live sessions, you can always download any classes you miss. This is great for us too since our schedules are so wacky; plus it allows my husband to listen to the sessions too when he has time.

When I complete this bootcamp there will be an awesome giveaway, care of Hal & Melanie Young: a free download of their book, Raising Real Men in both ebook and audio ebook version. Very gracious indeed!

Hearts for Home Blog Hop
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Hearts for Home Blog Hop" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Hearts for Home Blog Hop" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


Hebrews 13:2(KJV) Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby * some have entertained angels unawares . *


Did you know, the word entertain has several meanings: to have people as guests in your home or in a public place, to perform, to provide amusement for another by singing, acting, etc, to show hospitality to, to keep, hold, or maintain in the mind. 


This verse shows us so clearly how important it is that our relationsahip with God is one that also impacts all of our other relationships (ripple effect?) -—even those interactions with strangers (maybe even moreso those)!   Just as a rock dropped into the center of a lake creates ripples that can be seen in ever-widening circles, my relationship with God must have an effect on every person I come in contact with each day.  My relationship with God was never meant for me alone. My relationship was meant to be so much a part of me that every interaction with others is touched by God’s love and grace as it is at work in my life. 🙂 


As we read this passage we are told that we are to view other Christians as our “brothers,” even if they are technically complete strangers. We are to welcome them and extend hospitality to them as members of the body of Christ. Just as Abraham and Lot welcomed those “angelic” strangers in Genesis, we can never know when that stranger may be a “divine appointment” perhaps an angel. — Angel or not, we should view every meeting as an opportunity to show the love of Christ to others and minister to them. (Honestly) I try to pray each morning that God will give me His eyes and help me to remember that I am not too busy to miss out on any potential “divine appointments” He may have for me. 


Certainly I know there been opportunities for me to entertain Angels and yet I have been too busy, or perhaps too selfish to see them.  Perhaps my heart was unwilling even. I need to SLOW down and take the time to really look and see and feel His Spirit always working about me, that I may recognize those opportunities when they are put before me.

How I pray that Jesus will continue to open my eyes and give me His vision to see as he sees. Lord I need to slow down and pay attention to what you are calling me to do. To be more aware of your presence Lord, to be constantly seeing your will and your way in all things, all places and all times. 


All that I have been reading, and blogging here as of late, all of it speaks to the need for action, in our walk. It all shows again and again how grace and faith must be something that can be seen and experienced. We need to be doers of the Word… without grumbling (1 Peter 4:9).

It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of this world, to focus on ‘self’ instead of on others. We need to extend genuine kindness. We need to be intentional in seeing others and their needs as a blessing from God. An opportunity for us to be a blessing to another.  Is it not true that how we give is how we shall recieve? 



On a sidenote, I have got to make the time to watch “Entertaining Angels” I am told it is an interesting and moving story about the 1920’s and 30’s social activist, Dorothy Day, for it can be regarded that what this woman did, sometimes single-handedly, always controversially, in her fight against social injustice would, indeed, be wonderful entertainment for angels… or it could mean that her work was for the benefit of the ‘angels’ at the bottom of the social ladder for whom she fought daily against those who would hold them down… this included her work as a suffregette. However it is meant, this film captures much of the real-life drama that took place on big city streets, and of the very personal trials which eventually led her to convert to roman Catholicism, and a dedication to helping the poor.

Are you Still Here?

Matthew 28:19-20 (KJV)
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.



Go . .  – – you may not believe it but I really am a fairly quiet and shy person.  I stumble over words when I first meet people; I dreaad meeting people by the way and large groups gathered together? Major anxiety!?!? But Jesus commands me to GO. But where shall I go – all nations? I don’t think we can afford that 😛  I was oncce a “world traveller” but what He means, it is so much more – this is different. He commands us to go “to all peoples everywhere” There are no excuses. My community, my next door neighbor, my shopping market, mit’s wherever I go. Do I hear the command or do I have my hands over my ears? (like my son when he doesn’t want to listen, singing, la-la-la-la)

Make disciples . . . – – this requires us to open our mouths, to move out feet.  Are we not told to preach with boldness?  Time is short I do believe. Whe are not promised tomorrow; we must live each day as though it is our last. Be watching and ready for His return.  Because He could come at any time.  Really! Perhaps its time to start a new relationship; what about those we have? Have we been bold enough to share, to ask, “Do you know there is One who loves you, who died and rose for you?”

It reminds me of a clip I heard on the Prophecy News, he said: “Who do you love so much you are willing to risk losing them, that you may save them?”


Baptize . . .  – – this is powerful; it is key in the plan of salvation “But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God” 2 Corin. 6:4. We are all ministers; we are all ambassadors of His message of salvation. We must share the value and the need for us to be born again. Of the water. In Jesus name.  Without baptism we are not clean but with it, we have been washed and we are whiter than snow.
Teaching . . .  – – scary stuff.  We really have to get our hands dirty here.  They may not agree. Perhaps we have to unteach so that we can teach truth. We need to share, His word, not our own opinions and thoughts – pointing them to the Word, to God. To observe (obey) all things that have ben commanded you. To obey is better than to sacrifice . . . . show them love, and mercy…..follow Jesus with me.


Go – Make disciples – Baptize – Teach . . . . overwhelming?  Perhaps….remembering when we are weak He is strong.  It is then, when we are broken, that He moves and works in us – we are anointed vessels for the Lord … May He use us – may we (I) be willing and able to walk in the Spirit, to be still and wait… hear and obey…. He will send them, if we are willing…. Use me Lord….


JESUS IS WITH ME . . . He’s always with me, I am never alone; He declares, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” His will not mine. He said I can do this. I must show my faith in my actions; I must live it and step out in it.  I believe every Word that is His. I will obey always, without question. For His ways are higher and greater…Be alert…. See every opportunity He places before me… Be bold…..Open my mouth….Move my feet…..




“Go and make disciples.” It may be peanut butter and jelly at home with the children; sweeping and dusting and cooking for the family (this IS powerful service!) it may be exciting, travelling overseas, always meeting and teaching, going new places, fast and furious work for the Lord (we all want this right?) yet the assignment God has for every one of us— are we living a life that IS an act of worship to Him? —  it can overwhelm us or bore us.  We have to trust in Him; we have to see the miracles in the mundane 🙂  They are there.



And the promise of His presence?  It is His promise forever.  He will not ever change His mind. He will not forsake us.  ❤


Shine that Light

Matthew 5:14, 16 (KJV)
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid….Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


We cannot hide this light within. We cannot try to dim it either. We have been so very blessed to be called, to be chosen, by God, to be His vessels. We cannot hide what God has done in our lives.  We must tell everyone; testify to His goodness and mercy and love. Do not try to hide the reason for the hope in us, the power that we have that causes us to not just show but desire to show compassion, mercy, peace, joy and love.  This is the that very light which God uses to draw people to Himself.

What good is salt if it’s left on a shelf and never used? What good does it do to have a candle that remains hidden? 


Did you know that salt has been used in several cultures throughout time as a valuable commodity?  In fact, our english word ‘salary’ originates from an ancient word used in reference to the Roman solider’s salt purchase allowance or “salt-money.” It is also sprinkled throughout the Old Testament as a legally binding agreement and the Law commands it to be used always in meat offerings. Salt enhances flavor, but it goes on to say that it slows decay ONLY if the salt itself stays pure. So sodium chloride never actually loses its saltiness, but it CAN lose its effectiveness when diluted.

Consider, if we are the salt, that means we are a: Valuable Commodity…Legally Binding Agreements…Enhances Flavor…Slows Decay

Jesus sees me as a precious (you too!)…a valuable commodity. Oh how He loves me ❤

I am His workmanship created for His good works. (Rom 1:7; Eph. 2:4, 10; Col 3:12; 1 Thess 1:4) I have been born again for the water and of the Spirit, thus I have put off the old man and out on the new.   I have a new heart that is as His is; no longer is the stony heart within me.  I am a new creature; an heir – I am firmly rooted, built up, established in my faith. 

As a Christian, my walk…my life should not be hidden. It should be lived out in all that I do. It should be as the city on a hill. Am I (are we) a beacon of light to those seeking shelter? Do we enhance the flavor, slow the decay, and have a preserving influence in our community…our world?  Or have we lost our flavor?