Posted in TOS Schoolhouse Crew Review

Bible Breakdowns {Review}

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

There is nothing that I enjoy more than sharing some Bible Study time with my kids. When I think of the one thing that they need most of all, it is for the Word of God to be firmly in their hearts and minds. Of course reading can be challenging, some say overwhelming. How can we possibly make it all make sense? Teach Sunday School offers hundreds of printable Bible lessons, games, crafts, & worksheets from the Old & New Testaments. For this review we received pdf downloads of both the OT and NT Bible Breakdowns.

This is a one page subject breakdown for every book of the Bible. As they say, Bible lessons should fun, interesting, & relevant. (never boring). Personally, God’s Word has always been so alive and exciting to me. I want my kids experience that same feeling when they read too!

Teach Sunday School

What exactly are Bible Breakdowns? They are one-page sheets for every single book of the Bible – both the Old and New Testament.

My younger son is very detail oriented, super methodical. So he was very curious to see how some of these chapters that are really long, could possibly fit on one page. He was surprised (a bit delighted too) to see how concisely things were put together. Each sheet includes:

  • the number of chapters
  • author
  • the time covered
  • date written
  • type of of book (prophecy, law, poetry, etc)

As you go read through the Breakdown you find the chapters, and verses listed in order along with a short summary regarding the topic of that chapter and verse(s). Classic Bible stories are highlighted in blue. Each page also includes a list of the most popular verses including their ranking.

My younger son has been working through a video study that goes along with the Book of Proverbs and he really appreciates being able to use this alongside for those time when he isn’t quite certain of exactly what is being taught. He will sometimes express frustration with “so many words” and so again this helps him appreciate the message within each chapter. I always remind him it is useless to read if there is no understanding – here is a wonderful way to help guide them in this area.

Studying the Bible Should be a JOY… Not a CHORE

These pages are so colorful and so very informative. Simplicity can be such a wonderful thing. At the same time these really help our kids (and us) to better see how from Genesis to Revelation it all is woven together. Jesus at the center of it all. Literally. That makes our time in the Word so much more powerful.

One thing we enjoy doing with these as well is using them to help guide our daily reading. For as long as I can remember I have read through my Bible, every year, front to back. I want my children to experience the joy that comes from that and this can be a super way to help our kids get in the habit by tracking their reading each day. Another form of a Bible reading plan!

Teach Sunday School has lots of other great resources (we have quite a few ourselves)to help encourage our children to taste and see how good our God is. I remember reading about the most powerful lessons being the ones that were learned through play – I really feel like these materials al help to bring joy and curiosity into our learning which of course, makes things so much fun!

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Be sure to click on the banner below and read what other members of the Crew thought of the Bible Breakdowns.


I am a God loving and fearing Apostolic Pentecostal - All about Holiness, a tongue Talking Homeschooling Mommy of Two AWESOME little men and two darling little ladies, with a precious one in Jesus arms too. I love to study His word, and the stories and histories that go along with it. Seeking truth at all expense and learning so much as we go along. We are truly blessed to homeschool - blessed that we may school our children for such a small cost. I believe in the power of the name of Jesus and the power of His people when they come together in prayer. Standing firm and speaking out! There is nothing that I seek more than His kingdom and the joys that follow Him! Ultra conservative, growing Jesus follower, mommy to two awesome boys, one precious little girl- with a great family and a wonderful life that I am so blessed to have! Living and loving as best I can, with the Lord-Holy Ghost filled and speaking in tongues-WOW!

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