He Wants Doers

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:

24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.

25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

I have been pondering lately what it means, for my life, to be a Christian . Lets face it, everyone says they are one. But how many really understand and live what they say? Its true really – what we say does not mean a lot to most people…what we do..how we do things….volumes are spoken.

And I read and ponder His word in all of this. Am I 100% sold out? Living for Him, seeking to do and say and think and love as He does? Oh how I want to be someone who others see Him in. Not now and then but always. Is it not so important these days especially (there are thousands of “choices out there for folks-how else will they know what the true church is if we do not show them?) for us to be all out, sold out living every moment for him?

Yolanda Shanks says in her devotional Not just a Hearer but a Doer “buried in the midst of this routine are commands and requests straight from the Most High that go ignored. We’ve become so reliant on God fulfilling His end of the bargain that we fail to follow through with ours. ”

Am i buried? Are my actions, my praise and prayers ~ are my tributes to Him becoming too mundane? Where am I as I fellowship with my Lord & Saviour?

II Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

In Yolanda Shanks short book, we are challenged to learn and yearn for God even more, with a deeper love and understanding of Him and His word. I think we could all use a dose of “deeper still” in our walk.

I received a free copy of this book as part of the CWA Review Crew in exchange for my honest review.

a cause to be thankful

It’s been on my mind a great deal lately – being thankful. having a cause.
both are so important in life and can make or break our lives, relationships, experiences…..

so many live a life of entitlement today. we believe it is our right to have whatever it is we feel we need or want, at any given moment. and of course we are never happy, truly, because there is always that next thing we desire – the excitement of obtaining overshadows and often covers completely, the gratitude we should feel for all that we do have.

i am guilty. i am a complainer. i can be quite ornery when things do not go as I want them to; when my neat and organized life is the exact opposite, how quickly I forget that i have much to be grateful for.

Let us find a cause. Jesus – thats my cause. I want people to see Him when they look at me. And that will never happen, not with the power that it could have, if I am always whining and complaining.

I need to tame my tongue – I need to be wise in the words I speak. For my family; I need to remember that I am a witness and I am, more importantly, His.

Reading A Cause to Be Thankful reminds us of how important it is to be thankful for all we have, in the good times and in the bad times. Even more, let us show our love and faith by being thankful in the midst of the storm.

Let us examine our heart; pray that He may cleanse us – Search our hearts and show us where we are needing to grow. That we may glorify Him in all that we do.

Required Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book for review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.

Time to Get Real

God has not given us the spirit of fear,but of power and of love and of a sound mind! (2 Timothy 1:7)

How many of us are hiding? Really…..I know we all think we are not but if we are serious and we look honestly….I think the better question is how many of us are not hiding?

Jamy Whitaker writes “God uniquely designed each of us for what He has called us to do. He planned every day of your life to lead you to your calling. He intends for us to use every gift, every talent and every life experience, good and bad, for His purpose and His glory,”

We have such a hard time with that don’t we? I do. If I am honest, part of the ease in being a homemaker for me, is being behind closed doors for most of my days. It’s easier to be at home schooling and reading. online chatting and studying – its more personal and less personal all at the same time. Its safer.

But we are not called to be “safe” in our relationships with others; we are called to be honest. To be an ensample- salt and ligjht to the world. How are we to be that light, that salt, if we are hiding it behind a mask?

We all have doubts and fears – comparions that we fall into – how much prettier that mom is; how perfect that family’s children sit and sing – her amazing singing voice; her fabulous baked treats…I mean, we all do it. We make ourselves feel less than what we are.

we are great. We all have flaws. I can read more books in one sitting than most people. haha I can drink lots more coffee than the average person, and still get to sleep at night. I am strong willed, to a fault, but I am an avid lover of God and truth. I have a strong spirit, a sure mind and I want to share what I know with others that they may have life more abundantly through Him too. I
don’t have to have a perfect house, or hair or the lastest fashions to do that. But I need to not be sorry or show shame that what I have, is not as good as what they have.

How can we minister; how can we show the love and power and mercy and grace of God if we are busy “excuse me’ing” everything to others? You know: “excuse the mess” or “forgive the kids they have not napped yet today .. .” What is that?

Even Jesus was rejected; scorned, mocked. He stood strong; He did not waiver, He did not say “excuse me…forgive me…” He knew truth and He had a greater purpose in mind. We need to do the same. When things are too hard; when we just feel like its not enough – that is when we need to go to the feet of Jesus. We need to ignore the piles of laundry; the crayon marks on the walls; the sticky floors and rest in Him.

We need to Get Real. No fear, no regrets. We need to remember and embrace the fact that He knows all that is to come, and that has come, before we ever did. And He approved it all that it would bring us that much closer to the greatest plan ever. That which He has for us. Let us be strong and proud of all He has called us to be.

The Oldest Enemy – Review

Book Description: David Lighthouse was once a hard-hitting investigative reporter for the Denver Post—back before he was accused of the brutal murder of his fiancée and his life unraveled. Now, six years later, he is the assistant pastor of a small church in Florida. Armed with faith, sobriety, and a resurrected sense of purpose, he’s putting together a new life.

But when one of his young parishioners is murdered, David’s old instincts reemerge. Once again the prime suspect, he fights to clear his name even as disturbing clues at the crime scene reveal a haunting connection not only to his fiancée’s unsolved murder but to his estranged father’s secret past.

David suddenly finds himself the target of sinister, supernatural forces as he tracks down a conspiracy to release an ancient evil upon an unsuspecting world. Along with his father, the murdered girl’s sister, and a fierce Auschwitz survivor, David faces hell itself to prove his innocence and stop a reclusive German billionaire from unleashing a worldwide holocaust.



I could not put this down. I was not all too eager to read and review this one. I mean it’s hard to find good fiction. A story that draws you in and leaves you hanging on every word. Wanting more. I love a book that is filled with anticipation.

The Oldest Enemy (that’s Satan if you don’t know) Webb is well versed in scripture, and the history and customs of that time. It is all very well woven together; again and again there are moments that are quite thought provoking.

It is clear, sometimes painful as you read, the evils of this world honestly spoken of within this book – unapologetically. Between the supernatural, political and Biblical elements it is truly a worthy read – on the edge of your set (I was anyway) to the end.

Well done I say!

Changing Churches: A View from the Pew

Changing Churches describes, through the eyes of one couple the difficult
journey that “church switchers” travel—a journey often precipitated by
disruptive church changes. The book encourages Christ-like transformative
change in churches rather than man-devised makeovers.

76 % of “church switchers are mature Christians according to a Lifeway study.
I looked down on “switchers” until I became one. Then I learned how painful this
journey is. My book, Changing Churches will:

• Give pastors and leaders an empathic understanding of church switchers,
facilitating assimilation.
• Help church switchers grieve their painful journey and resolve historic baggage,
enabling them to fully engage in their new church.

• Broaden members understanding of church changes and the need for
prayerful change.

• Teach members how to winsomely witness, bringing friends into the church.

• Inspire members to serve in ministry and missions, building up the church.

Dottie Parish brings a seasoned counselor’s wise viewpoint and the soft heart of a child of God to her first book called Changing Churches: A View from the Pew.
A longtime resident of the greater Cincinnati area, Parish holds a Master of Social Work degree from Ohio State University and a bachelor’s degree from Bucknell University.

She has more than 30 years of professional experience as a counselor at two family service agencies as well as in private practice. Her experience included diagnosing and treating individuals representing a wide variety of problems, socioeconomic backgrounds, and ages as well as short and long term therapy. Her private practice included individual, marital and family therapy with special interest in helping couples resolve marital differences.

Dottie Parish is a wife, mother and grandmother and she loves Jesus and His Church. Her current devotion to God and His church stems from extreme misgivings about drifting away from God and church after graduate school. She and her husband lived for decades without faith. Their return to faith in 1990 begins the journey described in Changing Churches.
Blog: Dottie blogs on a variety of subjects at http://www.faithnotes-dottie.blogspot.com and on Marriage and Family issues on http://www.taberstruths.com.

Sometimes we need to honestly, and critically consider our church. My husband and I changed churches a little over a year ago. We must remember during this time and trial however to be patient and to wait on the Lord. Dottie says it so well:

“Readers who are struggling about leaving a church or finding another church should seek God’s will. He has a plan for you, too. Listen and follow him. Stay where you are unless he clearly leads you elsewhere.”

It can be a challenge to wait and to trust in Him but He will always answer. And sometimes our reasons for wanting a change are of no consequence really. I mean we have a church not far from our house that has a coffee shop – I mean who would not want to go there – I have a major coffee addiciton. I understand though that my desire for coffee can not override my desire for the Lord 🙂

It can be a tough message that convicts us and makes us want to run, rather than face truth. It can be a watered down message that makes us feel we are stagnant in the faith – we just need more than we can get where we are. It happens.

Ideally, the local church comforts and challenges us, supports and stretches us, touches us tenderly, and teaches us tenaciously. Ideally, the church guides us in gentleness and guards us in greatness, shows us his holiness and humbles us before him. Ideally, the church prepares us in prayer and prevents us from pride. It shows us our Savior and also our sin. The church focuses our eyes upward to Christ and outward to our needy world. (168)

This is a wonderful book of inspiration, guidance and such wisdom. I did enjoy reading it truly and it reminded me of many things I found so appealing in my old church. It confirmed for me what we need from our church (I struggle still with wanting to go back to “my” church, where it all began for me, where I was born again) Still – trusting in Him and His plan.

Let us not forget in all of this though “We are the church … We are the Bride….” We must remember ”where two or three are gathered in My Name.” Whenever we come together to praise God, study and read His word, exhort and pray and comfort, sing and dance, and remember Him and glorify and worship Him; there He is. May we do well also, to never forget that it is Jesus Christ that saves; not any person or building. (John 3:17; 10:9, Acts 2:21; 4:12; 15:11; 16:31, Romans 10:9,13).

We were made to worship Him – we are called to honour Him in ALL things and ALL times.

Blessed are those who feel that their church is just where they belong; blessed are those whose church preaches truth, and is spirit filled. For those lacking a spirit filled truth filled church, or just feeling as though you do not fit in; rest assured there is more for you! Just trust in Him and call on the name…..Jesus….

Acts 17:24, ”God…dwelleth not in temples made with hands;”

And the T.R.I.P is Completed

Watch out……coming in for a landing……

trip banner

Can you believe it? We have reached the end of our journey with the Targeted Reading Improvement Program, also known as, T.R.I.P. Well, maybe not the end…:)

For those who are not famiiar with the program, here’s aquick recap:

TRIP was created by Walter C. Waid and Jordan H. Price, teachers with a combined total of 40 years experience working with special needs, ADD, ADHD, Dyslexic, and special ed students. They received their degrees and teaching credentials from California State University Long Beach and Fullerton California, respectively.

TRIP Contains 20 lessons. Each lesson consists of 3 parts. Plus A How to To Instructional Video With Step-By-Step Teaching Instructions.

There are three parts to each lesson. All of the materials and instruction are simple and concise. An easy program to follow for most any age and level.

Each lesson begins with a word list. We used these mostly for spelling and some dictation during the days since my son really mastered this part of the program. If there was one thing I would have liked to have seen, it would have been for there to be a bit more variety here; maybe a couple different levels. Either way my son breezed through this part of each lesson and that did please him quite a bit.

The lesson then moves on to the flash practice. Here there are three speeds for the student to choose from. They are then shown, flashed, numbers, letters, symbols or shapes which they need to copy. We stuck mostly with the intermediate and advanced speeds; this is excellent for encouraging focus and attention. My son, being rather artistic, had some issues with following direction in this area, he liked to embellish on the “design” he was given, so there were some challenges there (unexpectedly) with following directions. We made it!

The third part is the story card. These were a bit of a disappointment for my son. Since he reads, voraciously, the stories were a bit sipler than we hoped for. But each story had a list of words and we used these for spelling and for handwriting practice. My son read each story aloud, answering the questions at the end of the wordksheets and then retelling the story (narrating) to make sure he got it.

Overall this was a fun and worthy experience for all of us! I do believe that this will be an excellent tool when my other children are ready to “learn to read” as well. This is a simple program that anyone can run and its a great way to determine your child’s skill level in reading too. I really lived the variety of ways I could use this. From spelling, to grammar, handwriting and reading you can really get creative with this. And again the flash practice is a really great tool for practicing focus and attention, and it even gave us the chance to work on how to follow directions.

This was fun! It was different. My son looked forward to each lesson and that does not happen often. I can definitely encourage others to look into this; if there are reading troubles in their midst, perhaps this is the answer that they too need.

Disclosure: I received a free copy of this program to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.

Everyday Matters Bible for Women: New Living Translation, Practical Encouragement to Make Every Day Matter

There is much that I just ove about this Bible. The cover is beautiful; the color coding is fun and bright. Its pretty and delicate and yet simple and inviting all at the same time. I was definitely excited when this arrived. There is nothing I enjoy more than time in God’s word and this came with lots of handy built in study tools too 🙂


  • Everyday Matters contains two-page articles emphasizing a specific topic from a scriptures passage and/or practice within.
  • Everyday Profiles highlight te lessons and stories to be had from 25 key women in the Bible. I love this because it makes me feel that much closer to them as I read.
  • Everyday Reflections focuses on the practical application of God’s Word in daily life. (You know what they say, we may be the only Bible some people read! true, true!)
  • Everyday Questions and Answers also covers some of the most important questions regarding faith.


I also love the features of “transforming everyday matters” a personal at home Bible Study. From Meditation, Contemplation, Faith, Fasting, Mentoring, Prayer, Reconciliation, Silence, Stewardship, and Worship (there are several more), we are challenged to learn and be more like Jesus. And is it not so true that we will be the only Bibles some people “read” Good stuff!


I admit it though; I prefer the King James and this Bible would be my absolutel favorite if it were written in that version instead. However as with anything, I encourage anyone who use this to se a concordance in your studies; as His word says we should “test all things” and I hold to this, especially when it comes to different versions of the Bible. Much is sometimes changed that takes away from the beauty and depth of His message.

Aside from that though, and how thin the pages are (be careful, almost had a casualty or two when my little one was looking through it – I told you the colors are amazing and very inviting! hehe) there is so much we can gain by studying His word. And Everyday Matters truly does have so much within to help guide us in our walk. May we learn and grow ever closer to Him!

Disclosure of Material Connection- I received a free copy of Everyday Matters Bible for Women: Practical Encouragement to Make Every Day Matter by Hendrickson Bibles to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew. All links were current when posted.

Taking a T.R.I.P #2

Here we are still TRIPPING along 🙂 It’s been a crazy trip already but the ride is getting smoother. For those of you who are not familiar; let me recap on just what this cool progrsm is all about:

“TRIP” lessons consist of hand-eye coordination training exercises to help those with Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD and other reading problems. “TRIP” has been in use at our reading center for over 30 years and has helped thousands. “TRIP” contains 20 lessons in downloadable form. Each lesson contains sight words, flashing practice and a story reading exercise. Also included is a home reading lesson video showing you how to use the exercises plus techniques to successfully help your child. In a recent survey done by a well known consumer magazine to help students with reading problems three strategies taught in our video are listed as being helpful. These strategies are: the use of a tutor, one on one instruction and a daily or weekly schedule.

That said, there are some times in the first few lessons my son has felt like he is going backwards and not forward. Take heart; one of the things I like about the ease of the first few lessons (especially for my oldest) is that it builds him up and gives him a bit of confidence. It does get more challenging. The flash practices can be sped up and slowed down – we have experimented with the different levels and found that the slower it goes the harder it is for my son to attend to it. The intermediate speed for now is perfect. Numbers and letters are easy peasy (he says) but the shapes that they show – have to realy think and study them a bit more. That is one of the parts I love!

This program is testing his attention and making him focus on details where in the past it has been quite a challenge for him. Small spaces of time; a little here and there. Its challenging yet not so much that he gets frustrated and wants to quit. Its small steps; its seeig a little progress here and there. And that;s okay.

Wil be blogging more soon! Don’t miss our next T.R.I.P. 🙂


Posted in Un School Home School

T.R.I.P.-Update #1

I recently posted about a new reading program we were given the chance to review.  T.R.I.P. stands for ‘Targeted Reading Improvement Program’. The T.R.I.P. CD-Rom contains step-by-step reading lessons. The video shows you how to run the program, and manage the 20 lessons within. Each lesson has three parts: Word Lists, Flash Practice, and Story Cards.  We only done this twice so far but the story cards have been lots of fun for us all so far!

The lessons took about a half hour, and the words were very easy for my son to read.  I admit to being a bit disappointed there wasn’t more of a challenge for him as we started out.  The words will get harder as we go along, so I am hoping it’s good for him to be able to really feel the success in the first few lessons.  The flash practice-was a piece of cake for him. We had to advance it though since his attention doesn’t hold for very long but once they were sped up he got a kick out of the “race”.

So far I am impressed with the program so far and excited to see how my son will progress with it; especially as it becomes more difficult.  I am hopeful this will not only bring more excitement and love to reading for him but also will benefit his skills. 

*Disclosure: I received this program free of charge as part of the CWA Review Crew. All opinions are my own.




Posted in Book Review, Inspiration

A Love Story How God Pursued Me and Found Me: An Impossibly True Story Review

You’ll find inspiration in A Love Story: How God Pursued Me and Found Me-and like Chandler, you, too, may find themselves pursued by God.

In A Love Story: How God Pursued Me and Found Me, she tells her story of love, hatred, abuse, forgiveness, betrayal, greed, enlightenment, and fear. Born to a pagan mother and a former altar boy living in a land of denial, she recounts how God was involved in her life even before she knew who He was. She shares the story of her trip to the Holy Land and how her prayers at the Wailing Wall were interrupted because of a hamburger. Yes, despite her tribulations, her life has had its funny moments as well.

I admit to having very mixed feelings as I read this book. At times this was rambling and hard to follow; other times it was just heart breaking,. There were points that I missed; things that I believe she shared sincerely to help others in their journey but at times that seemed rather chaotic. We have all been in that place where it was just impossible to see the hand of God in our life. We have all believed that the storms we weathered were the worst anyone could ever experience. At times this is the impression I am given as I journey through this book.

The writing within is honest; if you have ever had a string of bad things happen in your life or perhaps are convinced God has forsaken you; take a shot at reading this. Personally had this not been a book I agreed to review I am not sure  I would have finished reading it myself. There is something to be said though for every one who stands and testifies of the Lord’s power in their life. For that, I commend her.

It is Chandler’s prayer, and I agree and pray with her, that her book, “A Love Story: How God Pursued Me and Found Me” will be an encouragement to many who, like her, are in the midst of their own journey through tribulation.

A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review purposes. The opinions expressed are my own.